New Journal: Memory, Mind and Media (Cambridge University Press), 02/02/2022
Downey, A. (ed.), Shona Illingworth: Topologies of Air (Sternberg Press, 2022)
Essay: "Calculating Skies". MIT Press Reader, April 2022
Catalogue Essay: "The End of the Sky: When Conflict becomes Collaborative Form", in ZouZou Group, Ikon Gallery, 2020
Interview: "Avian Prophecies and the Techno-Aesthetics of Drone Warfare: Heba Y. Amin in conversation with Anthony Downey", in Agostinho, Gade, Thylstrup and Veel, eds., (W)archives: Archival Imaginaries, War and Contemporary Art (Sternberg Press, 2020)
Amin, H.Y., Downey, A. "A Brief History of Drone Warfare". Frieze, 30 Oct 2020
Amin, H.Y., Downey, A. "Contesting Post-digital Futures: Drone Warfare and the Geo-politics of Aerial Surveillance in the Middle East". Journal of Digital War (2020). https://doi.org/10.1057/s42984-020-00021-y
Essay: '"Where Is The Knowledge We Have Lost in Information": Speculative Research and Digital Methodologies', in Balaskas and Rito, eds., Institution as Praxis: New Curatorial Directions for Collaborative Research (Sternberg Press, 2020) ISBN 978-3-95679-506-0
Interview: Algorithmic Anxieties: Trevor Paglen in conversation with Anthony Downey, Journal of Digital War, Vol. 1, No. 1. ISSN: 2662-1975 (print); ISSN: 2662-1983 (electronic)
Downey, Editor, Critique in Practice: Renzo Martens’ Episode III: Enjoy Poverty (Sternberg Press, 2019) ISBN: 9783956795053
Essay: "Performative Research and Techno Aesthetics", in Downey, A., ed., Heba Y Amin: The General's Stork (Sternberg Press, 2020)
Downey, Editor, Heba Y Amin: The General's Stork (Sternberg Press, 2020)
Downey, Editor, Larissa Sansour: Heirloom (Sternberg Press, 2019)
"Transposing the Vernacular: Moving Images in the Work of Akram Zaatari", catalogue essay on the occasion of Akram Zaatari's touring show, The Script, ISBN: 978-0-9932659-8-3
Book Publication: Don’t Shrink Me to the Size of a Bullet: The Works of Hiwa K, edited by Anthony Downey (Walter Koenig Books, London and Dusseldorf, May, 2017). ISBN 978-3-96098-160-2
Catalogue Essay: "Where to Now?: Imminent Impermanence in the Work of Sheela Gowda", in Sheela Gowda, Ikon Gallery, November 2017. ISBN 978-1-911155-10-2
Catalogue Essay: "Scopic Reflections: Incoming and the Technology of Exceptionalism", in Richard Mosse, Barbican Art Gallery, March 2017, ISBN 9780995708204
Future Imperfect: Contemporary Art Practices and Cultural Institutions in the Middle East, edited by Anthony Downey (Sternberg Press, Berlin and New York, December, 2016). ISBN 978-3-95679-246-5
Cruickshank, Alan. "Future Imperfect: An interview with Anthony Downey" in Di'van Journal. December, 2016. ISSN 2207-1563
Perbal, Ingrid. "La Subversion des Formes: An interview with Anthony Downey", in Qantara. Summer, 2016. ISBN 3663322092565
Eric Baudelaire. "Event Horizon: Eric Baudelaire in conversation with Anthony Downey." Ibraaz, 29 October. 2015.Dissonant Archives: Contemporary Visual Culture and Contested Narratives in the Middle East, edited by Anthony Downey (London: I.B. Tauris, 2015) ISBN 978-1-784-53-4110
Slavs and Tartars: Mirrors for Princes, edited by Anthony Downey JRP I ezaingier, 2015. ISBN 978-3-03764-407-2
Hiwa K. "Performative Resonances: Hiwa K in conversation with Anthony Downey and Amal Khalaf." Ibraaz, 30 July. 2015
Downey, Anthony. Art and Politics Now. Farnborough: Thames & Hudson, 2014. ISBN 978-0-500-29147-4
Guardiola-Rivera, Oscar. "Oscar Guardiola-Rivera in Conversation with Anthony Downey." Ibraaz, 28 May 2014
Enwezor, Okwui. "Okwui Enwezor in Conversation with Anthony Downey." Ibraaz, 8 May 2014
Slavs and Tatars. "Slavs and Tatars in Conversation with Anthony Downey." Ibraaz, 30 Apr. 2014
Uncommon Grounds: New Media and Critical Practice in the Middle East and North Africa, edited by Anthony Downey (London: I.B.Tauris, 2014). ISBN 9781784530358
Joreige, Lamia. "Re-Enacting Rupture Lamia Joreige in Conversation with Anthony Downey." Ibraaz, 30 Apr. 2014
Akomfrah, John. "John Akomfrah in Conversation with Anthony Downey." Ibraaz, 30 Apr. 2014.Zaatari, Akram
"Photography as Apparatus: Akram Zaatari in Conversation with Anthony Downey." Ibraaz, 28 Jan. 2014
Downey, Anthony. "Exemplary Subjects: Camps and the Politics of Representation." Giorgio Agamben: Legal, Political and Philosophical Perspectives. Ed. Tom Frost. Oxon, UK: Routledge, 2013. 119-42. ISBN 978-0-203-51580-8 (ebk)
Downey, Anthony. "Archival Dissonance: Ibraaz Platform 006 Editorial." Ibraaz. Ibraaz, 6 Nov. 2013
Rakowitz, Michael. "From Invisible Enemy to Enemy Kitchen Michael Rakowitz in Conversation with Anthony Downey." Ibraaz, 29 Mar. 2013
Downey, Anthony. "For the Common Good Artistic Practices, Collective Action and Civil Society in Tunisia." Ibraaz. Ibraaz, 28 Feb. 2013
Al-Ghoussein, Tarek. "Stereotyping the Stereotypes: Tarek Al-Ghoussein in Conversation with Anthony Downey." Ibraaz, 2 Nov. 2012
Samaha, Roy. "The Video That Exploded Roy Samaha in Conversation with Anthony Downey." Ibraaz, 2 Nov. 2012
Downey, Anthony. "Common Grounds: Artistic Practices, Civil Society, and Secular Determination in Tunisia Today." Ibraaz. Ibraaz, 2 Nov. 2012
Downey, Anthony. "Authenticity, Originality and Conceptual Art: Will the Real Elaine Sturtevant Please Stand Up?" Art and Authenticity. Eds. Megan Aldrich and Jos Hackforth-Jones. London: Lund Humphries, 2012. 100-106. ISBN: 9781848220980
Bogaert, Tom. "An Accidental Orientalist: Tom Bogaert in Conversation with Anthony Downey." Ibraaz, 27 Sept. 2012
Downey, Anthony. "Yinka Shonibare Interviewed by Anthony Downey." Theories and Documents of Contemporary Art: A Sourcebook of Artists' Writings. Eds. Kristine Stiles and Peter Selz. 2nd ed. Berkeley, CA: U of California, 2012. 671-672. ISBN: 9780520257184
Downey, Anthony. "Zones of Indistinction: Giorgio Agamben's 'Bare Life' and the Politics of Aesthetics (2009)." Theory in Contemporary Art Since 1985. Eds. Zoya Kocur and Simon Leung. 2nd ed. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. 416-35.ISBN: 978-1-4443-3857-7
Downey, Anthony. "Where to Now: Chkoun Ahna at the National Museum of Carthage, Tunis, 2012." Ibraaz. Ibraaz, 30 May 2012
Downey, Anthony, and Lawrence Abu Hamdan. "Word Stress: Lawrence Abu Hamdan in Conversation with Anthony Downey." Ibraaz. Ibraaz, 2 May 2012
Tohme, Christine. "Home Workspace: Christine Tohme in Conversation with Anthony Downey." Ibraaz, 2 May 2012
Antar, Ziad. "An Aesthetics of Expiration: Ziad Antar in Conversation with Anthony Downey." Ibraaz, 2 May 2012
Mroué, Rabih. "Lost in Narration: Rabih Mroué in Conversation with Anthony Downey." Ibraaz, 5 Jan. 2012
Downey, Anthony. "In the Event of Death: Teresa Margolles and the Life of the Corpse." Artes Mundi 5 2012: International Visual Art Exhibition and Prize. Cardiff: Artes Mundi, 2012: 62-67
Aramesh, Reza. "Restaging the (Objective) Violence of Images: Reza Aramesh in Conversation with Anthony Downey." Ibraaz, 1 Nov. 2011
El Noshokaty, Shady, Adelina Von Fürstenberg, Thierry Ollat, and Lina Lazaar. "Curatorial Conundrums - Arab Representation at the 54th Venice Biennale." Interview by Anthony Downey. Ibraaz. Ibraaz, 14 Aug. 2011
Downey, Anthony. "Beyond the Former Middle East: Aesthetics, Civil Society, and the Politics of Representation." Ibraaz, 1 June 2011
Downey, Anthony. "Beyond the Former Middle East." The Future of a Promise. Ed. Anthony Downey and Lina Lazaar. Tunis, Tunisia: Ibraaz, 2011. 46-64. ISBN 978-0956914606
Downey, Anthony, "All That Fits." All That Fits: The Aesthetics of Journalism. Derby: Derby QUAD, 2011: 3. ISBN: 9780955353857
Downey, Anthony. "The Burden of Representation: Contemporary Visual Arts in the Middle East." Islam in Its International Context: Comparative Perspectives. Ed. Stephen C. Hutchings, Chris Flood, Galina Miazhevich, and Henri Nickels. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2011. 168-97. ISBN: 978-1443828864
Downey, Anthony. "Camps (or the Precarious Logic of Late Modernity)." Fillip 13.1, 2011: 38-47. ISBN: 9771715321025
Downey, Anthony. "Geocentric Conundrums: Aesthetics and Ethics in Contemporary Art; Gemma Lloyd Interviews Anthony Downey." CAC Interviu. 16-17, 2010/2011: 53-60. ISSN: 1822-2064
Downey, Anthony. "Zu Giorgio Agamben: Das Nackte Leben' Und Die Politik Der Asthetik." Open Space: Schnittpunkte Aktueller Kunstpraxis. Ed. Gulsen Bal. Vienna: Divus, 2011: 64-79. ISBN 978-80-86450-66-7
Downey, Anthony. "What You See and What You Get: The Symmetry of Death and Transformation in the Work of Not Vital." Not Vital: Suicides. London: Ben Brown Gallery, 2010. 5-12
Downey, Anthony. "The Production of Cultural Knowledge in the Middle East Today." Art & Patronage: The Middle East. Ed. Hossein Amirsadeghi and Maryam Homayoun Eisler. London: Thames & Hudson, 2010. 10-15. ISBN 9780500515495
Downey, Anthony. "The Lives of Others: Artur Zmijewski's Repetition, The Stanford Prison Experiment, and the Ethics of Surveillance." Conspiracy Dwellings: Surveillance in Contemporary Art. Ed. Outi Remes and Pam Skelton. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2010. 67-82. ISBN 978-1443824033
Downey, Anthony. "Zones of Indistinction: Giorgio Agamben's 'Bare Life' and the Politics of Aesthetics." Cultural Theory. By David Oswell. London: SAGE, 2010. ISBN: 9781446261323
Downey, Anthony. "Children of the Revolution: Contemporary Iranian Photography." Aperture 197 Winter, 2009: 38-45. ISBN 978-1-59711-112-6
Downey, Anthony. "127 Cuerpos: Teresa Margolles and the Aesthetics of Commemoration." Understanding Art Objects: Thinking through the Eye. Ed. Tony Godfrey. Farnham: Lund Humphries, 2009. 104-13. ISBN: 978-1848220164
Downey, Anthony. "Inverted Modernities and Contested Traditions: Contemporary Iranian Visual Culture and (In)Authenticity." RES Art World/World Art 4, 2009: 154-63
Keshmirshekan, Hamid, Mark Irving, and Anthony Downey. Different Sames: New Perspectives in Contemporary Iranian Art. Ed. Hossein Amirsadeghi. London: Thames & Hudson, 2009. ISBN: 978-0500976975
Downey, Anthony. “An Ethics of Engagement: Collaborative Art Practices and the Return of the Ethnographer.” Third Text 23.5, 2009: 593-603. ISSN 0952-8822
Downey, Anthony. "Beyond Identity: Excessive Identities in the work of Three Contemporary African Artists." Art South Africa 7.3 Summer, 2009: 85-89. ISBN: 9771684613121
Downey, Anthony. "At the Limits of the Image: Torture and its Re-Presentation in Popular Culture." Brumaria Spring 10, 2009: 123-33. ISBN: 978-84-613-0423
Downey, Anthony."Zones of Indistinction: Giorgio Agamben's 'Bare Life' and the Politics of Aesthetics.” Third Text 23.2, 2009: 109-125. ISSN: 0952-8822
Downey, Anthony. “Centralizing Margins and Marginalizing Centres: Diasporas and Contemporary Iranian Art." Iran Inside Out, New York: Chelsea Art Museum, 2009. 9-11. ISBN 978-0982397718
Downey, Anthony. “Romuald Hazoumé La Bouche du Roi” in Nka: Journal of Contemporary African Art 25, Winter 2009. 161-162
Downey, Anthony. "What was Lost: Manifesta 7 and the Soul of Modernity." Third Text 22.6, 2008: 787-790. ISSN: 0952-8822
Downey, Anthony. "Setting the Stage: Anthony Downey in Conversation with Yinka Shonibare." Yinka Shonibare MBE. Munich: Prestel, 2008. 38-45. ISBN: 978-3791341231
Downey, Anthony. "Towards a Politics of (Relational) Aesthetics." Third Text 3rd. 21.3, 2007: 267-75. ISSN: 0952-8822
Downey, Anthony. "Belatedness All Over Again: The African Pavilion at the 52nd Venice Biennial." Third Text 21.6, 2007: 781–785
Downey, Anthony. "Yto Barrada A Life Full of Holes: The Strait Project." Third Text 20.5, 2006: 617-26. ISSN: 0952-8822
Downey, Anthony. "Miniatures." Journal of Visual Culture 5.1, 2006: 119-23. DOI: 10.1177/1470412906063220
Downey, Anthony. Painting as a Repository: The Remains of Our Days in the Paintings of Nigel Cooke. London: South London Gallery, 2006. ISBN: 1898461309
Downey, Anthony. "Critical Imperatives: Notes on Contemporary Art Criticism and African Cultural Production" Wasafiri 21.1, 2006: 39-48. ISSN 0269-0055
Downey, Anthony. "Yinka Shonibare by Anthony Downey." BOMB 93, Fall 2005
Downey, Anthony. "Curating Africa: ‘Africa Remix’ and the Categorical Dilemma." Wasafiri 46.4, 2005: 47-55
Downey, Anthony. "Georges Adéagbo: The Explorer and Explorers Confronting the History of Exploration…! The Theatre of the World" Wasafiri 45.2, 2005: 69-71
Downey, Anthony. "Kara Walker: Grub For Sharks — A Concession for the Negro Populace." Third Text 73.19.2, 2005: 203-205. ISSN 0952-8822
Downey, Anthony. "Yinka Shonibare in Conversation." Wasafiri 45.2, 2004: 31-36
Downey, Anthony. “The Spectacular Difference of Documenta 11.” Third Text 17.1, 2003: 85-92. ISSN: 0952-8822
Downey, Anthony. "Yinka Shonibare: Dorian Gray." Wasafiri 35.1, 2002: 47-50
Downey, Anthony. "Art: Steve McQueen." Wasafiri 37.4, 2002: 17-19