Essay: "Where to Now? Imminent Impermanence in the Works of Sheela Gowda" (November, 2017)
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"Where to Now: Imminent Impermanence in the Work of Sheela Gowda", is a catalogue essay published on the occasion of Sheela Gowda, Ikon Gallery, November 2017.An edited version of this essay, also titled "Where to Now: Imminent Impermanence in the Work of Sheela Gowda", was included in the exhibition catalogue for Sheela Gowda's retrospective show, Remains, at Fondazione Pirelli HangarBicocca, Milan, April 4th to September 15th, 2019, with other critical essays by art historian Geeta Kapur and writer and curator Pablo Lafuente, a text on the show by the curators as well as well as contributions by Roger M. Buergel, Grant Watson, Abhishek Hazra, Jessica Morgan, Zehra Jumabhoy, Marta Kuzma and Tobias Ostrander.In October 2019 an adapted version of this show will travel to Bombas Gens Centre d’Art, Valencia.